Being a Caregiver for Someone with Cancer

Being a Caregiver for Someone with Cancer

Being a caregiver for someone who has cancer is beyond difficult at times.  Caregiver burnout is a real thing and if you’re not careful it’s easy to become burnt out if you don’t take care of yourself first. If you imagine yourself as a pitcher of water and you’re always pouring your water into other’s pitchers, and you don’t stop to refill yours, well, you are empty and you can’t help anyone else either now. It’s also like when you’re on an airplane and they say to put your oxygen mask on first before helping another. Selfcare is a must, especially when you’re caring for another who is fighting cancer. Talking to someone, be it a professional or a friend, about the daily struggles you face can be a huge help. Sharing your burdens with someone else, even if only verbally, helps reduce the stress, tension, and fear you may be holding onto inside. If you are suffering from caregiver burnout, there are plenty of therapists, support groups, and people who are willing to listen, not to mention things to do that can alleviate what you’re feeling. Always remember to love yourself!

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