Being Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer

Being Diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer

Getting the news, you have the big C is never the news anyone wants to hear. For women, hearing you have ovarian cancer is not only bad news, but worse.  Ovarian cancer doesn’t just threaten your life, it kills all hope of any future children. Even if we go through all the treatments, and are in remission, we will never be able to have kids again. Becoming infertile due to ovarian cancer can really affect the way a woman feels about being a woman.  Having the ability to make the choice to have kids or not is taken from you once you get the diagnosis, and that can be very traumatic.  Anyone going through the many emotions that come along with the diagnosis should reach out for help. There are so many resources out there to help with the variety of problems a cancer patient is dealing with inside. No matter how lonely one may feel, we are never truly alone.

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