Members of this group have had, or have, or have known someone, or know someone who has endometrial cancer. As with any type of cancer, it is a difficult cancer to have.

Endometrial cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the uterus.

 Endometrial Cancer Treatments

There are so many treatments for endometrial cancer, it’s amazing.  The types of treatments, aka therapies, that are the standard of care for uterine cancer range from surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, to hormone therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Treatment options and recommendations depend on…


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Bleeding or discharge not related to your periods (menstruation) — over 90 percent of women diagnosed with endometrial cancer have abnormal vaginal bleeding Postmenopausal bleeding Difficult or painful urination Pain during intercourse Pain and/or mass in the pelvic area Information provided by: